19 October 2007

Courses, kitchens and families, laboratories and groups

I have been attending several courses: the "Principles & Practice of University Teaching & Learning" and the "Early Career Research Program for Biomedical Researchers". I am waiting for a session on "Making the Most of your PM&D Review" and another course with a very attractive title: "Clinical Leadership Program". These will cover the three main aspects of my new role at Westmead Hospital: teaching, research and clinical leadership, and it will introduce me to the University's Performance Management and Development program. The PM&D program "is the overarching process for the planning and assessment of both performance and development needs throughout the life cycle of a staff member".

The Early Career Research Program for Biomedical Researchers reviewed several aspects of the research environment: grants, networking, personalities, conflict resolution, media and research, and mentorship. It was a very good introduction to the Australian way of dealing with research and grants. I have learned useful things, but it has been exhausting ("Too much information" The Police). Some of the sessions reminded me of a course I took in Spain about "Improvement Groups". One lesson I learned in that course, that I have always in my mind is:
"It may be good to run your family as a group, but never run a group as you would run your family"

This brings to my mind one of the first things I learned about laboratories:
"Your kitchen may look as your lab, but never allow your lab to look like your kitchen".

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